View from Bruach na Frithe to Sgurr Fionn Choire, Am Bastier and Sgurr nan Gillean.
Guest post by: Adrian Trendall of All Things Cuillin
Skye rarely comes into top class winter condition, as it is surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic, warmed by ocean currents. So its always a pleasure to see a decent sprinkle on the tops!
“Yesterday was an awesome day spent on Bruach na frithe with clouds coming and going. Photo shows the view to Sgurr Fionn Choire, Am Bastiwe and Bhastier Tooth and Sgurr nan Gillean as the clouds cleared.
Took axe and crampons but didn't need either due to the unconsolidated, deep snow. It's a bitterly cold day with more snow expected and reports of icy roads coming in so take care.
Loads of snow on ridge makes for slow going and hard work. Lots of it only 6-8 inches deep but drifted deeper in places.
A perfect day in the hills